13 Dec Autumn Meeting – 28th October 2017
The Proserpina Section of the Associazione per l’Agricoltura Biodinamica (Association for Biodynamic Agriculture) is organising the Autumn Meeting, scheduled for Saturday 28th October 2017 at our Farm.
The meeting will be attended by members of the Campania Section of the Association.
Theme of the meeting: The preparation of cornoletame (500)
...in the `{`cow`}` horn you have something well adapted by its inherent nature to ray back the living and astral properties into the inner life. In the horn you have something radiating life - nay, even radiating astrality. - Rudolf Steiner O.O.
– 9:00 am Meeting at Il Biviere Farm with G. Borghese
– Welcome and reception of members from the Campania section of the Association for Biodynamic Agriculture;
– Meeting of the Section Committee;
– Further information and questions on the second lecture of the Koberwitz course (07/06/1924 – R. Steiner) from the book “Scientific and spiritual impulses for the progress of agriculture” (G. Ferraro, G. Corrao, F. D’Agosta). Participants are invited to read the second lecture before the meeting;
– Report on the sensitive crystallisation of certain soils from Sicilian farms converting to Biodynamic Agriculture (G. Ferraro);
– Cornoletame (500): Preparation.
For the lunch break there will be a buffet with products offered by all participants.
– 6,00 pm End of the meeting
For further information please contact:
Giangiacomo Borghese: 335 7015482
Giuseppe Ferraro: 335 8272357
Francesco D’Agosta: 335 1320164